A Field

Project Circles - To be completed in:
Six Years
We will describe
The steps to prepare for
the next stage of development which begins with connection
as a means to integrate into The Upper One
From Love of Other – To Love of the Creator
If we do not understand our role, we cannot participate in this journey called life.
In a bad State?

These five points will be completed at the end of the circles.

On the inanimate, vegetable and animal levels
Everything is in the hands of "Nature"
Without asking anything at all.
"Even when the inferiors have their say."
Law of gradual development. Each part is brought to its desired development, in its own time.
Four Discernments
We distinguish four levels of development, four discernments whitin
the speaking degree itself
Also, everything is within a single person.
That is, Inanimate, Vegetative, Animal and Speaking
A small dot

Still is something that does not have an authority of its own. Rather, it is under the authority of its Landlord and must satisfy every wish and desire of its Landlord.
The nature of the Landlord is imprinted in the creatures, meaning all the creatures cannot work for another, but for themselves.

Vegetative is that which already has its own authority to some extent. It can already do something that is contrary to the opinion of the Landlord. This means that it can already do things not for itself but to bestow. This is already the opposite of what exists in the will of the Landlord, which He had imprinted in the lower ones to work only with the will to receive for themselves.

Animate: We see that each animal has its own characteristic; they are not confined to the environment but each of them has its own sensation and characteristic. They can certainly operate against the will of the Landlord, meaning they can work in bestowal and are also not confined to the environment. Rather, they have their own lives, and their vitality does not depend on their friends’ life. Yet, they cannot feel more than their own being. In other words, they have no sensation of the other. And naturally cannot care for the other.

Speaking has virtues: 1 – It acts against the will of the Landlord. 2 – It is not confined to its contemporaries like the vegetative, meaning it is independent from society. 3 – It also feels the other, and hence can care for them and complement them, by feeling and regretting with the public, and being able to rejoice in the solace of the public, and by the ability to receive from the past and from the future. Animals, however, feel only the present and only their own being.
Man is a small World
The particular and the general are equal.
A new understanding must be reached in order to move forward.
We are in a very special moment in witch Humanity must face the future as a single unit.
As Human’s, we are in a stage of changes, these changes have always been present, but only manifested in a few individuals. Today, however, it is coming to us as a global change.
The degree of man integrates two forces, higher and lower.
If we do not come to that, we will find ourselves regarding His guidance as Flawed.
As long as one does not know
that he is going by the path of falsehood,
why should he change his way and go by another way?
if he does not have the understanding that he is in falsehood
Only if he comes to know that he really is in falsehood he will be able to change his way and go by the path of truth.
Baruj Shalom HaLeví Ashlag Article No. 15 (1984),
“Can Something Negative Come Down from Above”
Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam)