As an object of study, our teachers bring us the only creationthe only thing that exists besides the Creator– man’s self, or “I,” and research it.
This study breaks down the self into parts and explains the structure and properties of each part and the purpose of its creation.
It explains how every aspect of man’s self, called “the soul,” can be changed so that one would reach the goal of creation, the state desired by both the Creator and man himself, provided he realizes it.
There is not a science in the world that can describe either graphically or analytically through the use of formulas, our sensations and desires, and how diverse and multifaceted they are. That is how inconstant, unpredictable, and absolutely distinct they are in everyone.
However, it is ever-changing and what remains is merely an external, animate shell. This is why it is said that every moment man is born anew.
Yet, if this is so how should we regard one another, and how should we perceive ourselves?
How can we possibly “stabilize” anything within and outside of us if we are constantly changing, and all that we perceive is a function of our inner state?
Such people, who draw near the Creator and sense Him, are called Kabbalists (from the word Lekabel – to receive the Creator’s Light) or Israel. One can draw near the Creator only through the equivalence of desires. The Creator is incorporeal, and can only be sensed with our hearts. By “heart”, it means the center of man’s every sensation.
However one cannot sense the Creator with just his heart, but only with a small point in it.
When one develops and expands this point, the sensation of the Creator, His Light, can enter it.
Our heart is the sum of our egoistic desires, and the small point within it is part of the spiritual, altruistic desire implanted from Above by the Creator Himself.
It is our task to nurture this embryo of a spiritual desire to such an extent that it will determine all of our aspirations.
At the same time, the egoistic desire of the heart will surrender, contract, wither, and diminish.
After being born in our world, one is obliged to change his heart from egoistic to altruistic, while living in this world.
This is the purpose of his life, the reason behind his appearance in this world, and it is the goal of all creation.
A complete replacement of egoistic desires with bestowing ones is called “the End of Correction.” Every individual and all of humanity must attain it in this world together.
Until one achieves this
One can change his desires only if one wishes to change them