164. There is a Difference Between Corporeality and Spirituality. I heard it on 3 Av, August 8, 1948

There is a difference between corporeality and spirituality:

in corporeality, the force precedes the act, as it is written,

“Before they call, I will answer,”

arranged according to the end of the correction,

where nothing is done before they have the strength to do it.

In spirituality, however,

where it is not yet arranged according to the end of the correction,

but by the order of scrutiny,

the work must begin before acquiring the strength,

as it is written, “Who satisfies His word”

241. Call on Him While He's Near

And the prophet warns about this:

“Call upon Him while He is near”.

He comes and says,

“You should know that the fact

that you are calling upon the Creator,

means that He is near.

 It means that now you have an opportunity;

if you pay attention,

you will feel that the Creator is close to you,

and this is a sign

of the closeness of the Creator.

And the evidence of this is that

we must know that man

is not naturally qualified for adhesion with the Creator,

for this is against man’s nature. 

This is so because, by Creation,

he has only the desire to receive,

whereas adhesion is only to bestow.

However, when the Creator invokes man,

He creates within him a second nature:

he wants to revoke his own nature and

adhere to Him.